
Darkest dungeon the last crusade
Darkest dungeon the last crusade

darkest dungeon the last crusade darkest dungeon the last crusade

Plus, since there are new 58-70 dungeons, the exploits that existed before will be less compelling - old content is old content, and the 1-60 dungeons just won’t have anything to offer players trying to get to Outland as quickly as possible.

darkest dungeon the last crusade

A lot of players are going to be trying this - it’s a big sea change from the way things are now on WoW Classic and the Classic Era servers, and it probably required this change to keep from bottlenecking those players. I understand why this is being done - limiting players who are trying to speed level to 58 as fast as possible so they can play a new Blood Elf Paladin or Draenei Shaman would make getting there more arduous and hold up groups that are relying on these new characters to get to 70 and join in on the max-level fun.

Darkest dungeon the last crusade